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How Can We Help You?

Below you'll find answers to the most commonly asked questions you may have about Value Innovation Technologies.
Abstract Glass Building
  • Can a seller enforce a return policy?
    Yes, the seller’s return policy will be published in the marketplace. The amount of authorized returns will be netted out from the seller’s weekly payments.
  • Does the marketplace charge sales tax?
    Yes, the marketplace will charge sales tax, as applicable, and the sales tax will be included in the seller’s weekly payments.
  • Upon receipt of the order, will our fulfillment process have to change?
    No, the seller’s process of how the order is processed and fulfilled (i.e. local pick-up or shipped/delivered) does not have to change. It is highly recommended that the seller communicates directly with the buyer either by phone or email to ensure that the buyer is made aware of the ETA of their order.
  • Who remits the sales tax?
    The seller will remit the sales tax to the tax agency that they are registered with.
  • What types of products/services can be sold in the Marketplace?
    All products and services with a published unit price are eligible to be included in the Marketplace. If the Marketplace is open to government buyers, then the products must comply with the federal restrictions outlined in Section 889 paragraphs (a)(1)(A) and (a)(1)(B) of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act.
  • Is there a required number of days for delivery?
    Orders are expected to be shipped/delivered typically within 2-3 days of order date. It is important for the seller to be in communication with the buyer as soon as the order is received to give them an ETA. It is also very important to communicate any delays as soon as possible.
  • What are the legal documents involved in being a seller?
    Sellers must execute the following documents and pre-pay the annual subscription fee. ♦️ VIT Seller Agreement and related attachments ♦️ Seller Attestation document ♦️ Terms of Use document
  • How do sellers receive orders?
    Orders will be emailed to the seller’s designated email address(es). If you prefer to integrate the orders into your order processing system, it will be considered as custom work and charged at $199/hr. An assessment of the work and a quote will be provided.
  • Will the seller get trained?
    The seller will be trained by VIT. VIT can help with the formatting of the upload file but the seller is responsible for knowing the details about their product/service offering so they can provide the content. The process is simple and VIT is just a phone call or email away in case the seller needs assistance.
  • How and when would the seller get paid?
    Products and services need to be marked as shipped in order to trigger payment. The seller will be trained on this process. Funds net of applicable transaction fees will be sent to the sellers on a weekly basis.
  • What does it cost to be a seller?
    There’s an annual subscription fee of $500 plus a 4% transaction fee on products sold. Credit Card processing fees are passed on to the sellers. Integration and other custom code is charged at $199/hour.
  • Does the marketplace support the seller’s current delivery methods and associated fees?
    The Marketplace can accommodate either Local Pick-up or Shipping/Delivery as methods of delivery. It can support charging a flat delivery fee or a percentage of the order total with a threshold and it also supports charging a handling fee. All fees must be published ahead of time in the Marketplace so that the buyers are fully aware of them before orders are placed.
  • How difficult is it to create and upload a catalog?
    The catalog can be uploaded using an excel file. The seller will be trained by VIT. VIT can help with the formatting of the upload file but the seller is responsible for knowing the details about their product/service offering so they can provide the content. The process is simple and VIT is just a phone call or email away in case the seller needs assistance.
  • Is there a limit to the number of items in the catalog?
    No, there is no limit.
  • Is there a limit to the frequency of catalog and price changes?
    No, sellers will have access to the vendor portal so they can submit their catalog updates as frequently as needed.

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